Foundation Ceremony

Artistic direction / Event / Illustration
AEFE / Lycée français de Madrid

I had the opportunity to contribute to the cornerstone ceremony of the new Documentation Center at the Lycée Français de Madrid, designed by the renowned architect Alberto Campo Baeza. Inspired by his plans, I conceptualized and produced an artistic flip book of 250 pages. The idea behind this animation, which unfolds page by page, is to evoke the different stages of the construction. Like in a story, the lines disappear and the words, like stones, build the structure, thus moving from the CDI plan (the idea) to reality (the construction). The words, which interlock one by one, are based on a text by the writer Elias Canetti, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1981.

The flipbook

An artistic collectible object

A display of 1500 books arranged as dominoes

to evoke the transition to the new library
